Bell Cast Render Stop Bead form and protects the lower edge of external render. Designed to deliver a gentle gradient at the base of the render, it is used above doors, windows and at DPC level to allow rainwater to drain clear of the underlying substrate.
We supply Bell Cast Renderstop Bead in Galvanised steel, Stainless Steel and PVC.
Contact us to discuss your requirements, or to request further information about our range of Bell Cast Beads.
BCG – Galvanised Bell Cast Render Stop Bead
Galvanised Bell Cast / Render Stop beads are used to form a neat, bell cast lower edge to in thermal plaster or external render finishes, and helps to protect masonry and underlying substrate against run-off water.
Available to suit render depths of 16-20mm width x 3.0m length.
Boxed 25 lengths per carton.
BCS – Stainless Steel Bell Cast Render Stop Bead
Stainless Steel Galvanised Bell Cast / Render Stop beads are used to form a neat, bell cast lower edge to external finishes and helps to protect masonry and underlying substrate against run-off water.
Available to suit render depths of 16-20mm width x 3.0m length.
Boxed 25 lengths per carton.